September 23, 2019

Your Guide to Renters Insurance
One of the most common questions we got from new agents was, “Where do I start?” Our answer is Rental Beast University, an interactive, online learning platform built to have agents of all levels expand their capacities and grow their skill-set. Take self-paced online courses on how to work with rentals, social media best practices, and how to convert renters to buyers. Head over to the Rental Beast University forums to find your community of passionate real estate agents eager to learn, discuss, and debrief. There, in readable and actionable blog posts our Rental Beast University coaches cover everything from Client Testimonials: A Quick And Easy Guide to 4 Top Linkedin Tips You Need to Know. Every week, we like to give you special looks into Rental Beast University. Here’s a recent piece from a Rental Beast University coach– Your Guide to Renters Insurance.