To continue our Black History Month series, here’s a list of resources and studies for educating yourself on the profiling, racism, and barriers that Black and African-American people come up against in the housing industry.
Appraised – The Persistent Evaluation of White Neighborhoods as More Valuable Than Communities of Color by Dr. Junia Howell and Dr. Elizabeth Korver-Glenn – A study that shows the prevalent racial inequality that exists when homes are being appraised.
A ‘Forgotten History’ Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America – Learn about the history of redlining that still impacts our society today.
Racial inequities: Black Coloradans often face barriers in homeownership – A deep dive into how racial discrimination has impacted Black and African-American people in Colorado.
Fairhaven: A Fair Housing Simulation – In 2020, the NAR rolled out a fair housing simulation training for members to learn how to identify, prevent, and address discriminatory practices. Approximately 43,000 members have successfully completed the simulation.
Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing – The video explains how our brains’ instant association of stereotypes with particular groups can cause us to treat those who are different from us unfairly, despite our best intentions and often without our conscious awareness. Perception then applies these concepts to the everyday work of REALTORS®, and offers strategies to override bias in order to convey respect, ensure fairness, and improve business relationships. A three-hour course is also available online or in person here, and may qualify for continuing education credits.
The MLS Hour: Fair Housing Marketing in the MLS – Insight into the Fair Housing Act including why it was passed, what is required or not of housing advertising, and more.
Podcast recommendations – A list of podcasts to learn more about fair housing.
Book recommendations – Book recommendations to learn more about racial segregation, discrimination, profiling, and how they’ve impacted society and the housing market. For more books, check out our last Black History Month blog post.
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